
Thursday, 10 July 2008

A mission statement for Midlands Views....

MIDLANDS VIEWS: The five key areas of this blog.

What does this site have for me? Personal development issues, professional development issues..

The Midlands as a social, economic and environmental zone. What is driving change in the area? Are there going to be key changes taking place in the next few years that we are aware of? What is the nature of the social cultural and political change that is taking place over the next few years. How can we best adapt to the changes that are taking place? Town planning and architecture – are the working classes going to be involved in the processes more or is this the preserve of the Councillor? What place does the city have as a unit within the context of global politics and to what extent is the area of the Midlands and West Midlands dominated by the cities within the area? How well informed are the public on the common agricultural policy and it’s implications for the residents of the area? What are the major issues of the urban-rural divides? How long standing are these and to what extent should we look for resolution to these issues over the next few years? What are the key organisations for establishing the Midlands historically – how well organised are the art galleries, museums and other organisations which contribute to the portrayal of the area to the public – both those that live in the area and those from outside?

The nature of politics in the Midlands area – e.g. What is the areas involvement in civil rights, how is this ongoing? Is there an adequate approach to politics in the area? How can the area be better managed? Are there forms of culture in the West Midlands that may need to be preserved? What areas of cultural development can be considered as part of a city wide strategy? Are we developing our own political approaches and if so, will what is taking place in the area at present contribute towards a Midlands Assembly? Social and ecological approaches to health and well-being. Is there an adequate voice for the community in the West Midlands – can this be expanded by a clearer role for community journalism in the area, can this be better supported by the voluntary sector in the area? Is there going to be adequate growth in community journalism through pursuits like blogging? National political leadership – how is this impacting upon the localities politics? What are the major achievements of the city in terms of political development. Has there been consideration given to the notion of Birmingham becoming a Healthy City? Constitutional reform and the House of Lords may be a significant issue of the time – does the notion of a Midlands Assembly interest the electorate – if so, why? Is gender issues campaigning to be carried out differently in the Midlands area than elsewhere in the UK? What sort of political entity does the city need to be? Policing in the West Midlands – have the police been in a position to deal with the national level corruption – do organisations like Transparency International do anything to offer resolution to this?

Psychology, mental health and well-being with particular emphasis on the population of the Midlands. Will I be able to close the experience that I’ve had? Will I find that there is a particularly good reason for there to be change in the UK in terms of how mental health and social and economic change are approached? Theory and approaches to health and well being – should well being be monitored differently in the West Midlands area? Social ecological approaches to health and well being – do they have more than a more basic form of appeal? When is conspiracy healthy to engage in and when is it health damaging? What are the orders of discourse relating to the extent of openness that someone can offer relating to their mental health status? Does the settings approach offer very much in the way of offering genuine improvements to the process of cultural change to improve health.

Personal Development which includes developing as a result of a range of experiences which can contribute to coherence – how does the workforce develop in the Midlands area, is this different to other areas of the UK or the world? Discourse, language, culture and social change – what changes are taking place in the language that we use and to what extent can this provide a window on some of the social changes that are taking place in the city? Discrimination, prejudice and dealing with the changes in culture from a culture of humiliation to humility? How can the overall process be best managed? Do we get adequate chance to express ourselves through the arts in the West Midlands – are we in any way limited in order to be socially controlled? Who defines what images of beauty are in the West Midlands – who defines what a strong a beautiful natural landscape is? What skills are necessary to develop a series of images for exhibition? Has the work I’ve done through CAB shaped me strongly as a person? If so, in what ways? To what extent is there a need to consider the skills and importance of academics in wider society? What does academia offer? Etiquette norms and adapting to society – is there scope to inform each other of norms in other ways? Do we get opportunity to develop through writing – is this something that can be enhanced in the area in a more multi-cultural context? How can the arts offer more in the way of social harmony? Photo-essay to film industry – can the basic skills of cinema be taught through use of photography? Can the photo-essay be used more extensively to document life in the Midlands area?

Professional development in the context of learning from past work experience and becoming more of a whole individual who may take forward issues for professional development. Are there adequate means to address the major problems in the Midlands area? Are the population who make up the workforce getting adequate opportunity for personal development? Anecdotal information regarding the work I’ve done in community safety and health promotion. Approaches to community work in the UK – when not to use a social marketing approach etc.

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