
Tuesday, 26 August 2008

More things on flickr - the last batchelor pad.

Don't know where I saw this type of shot before but I guess that it was in some art students work on women and society. The photoessay, last batchelor pad, is rather weak and to most will just be an excuse to have pictures of the 'most attractive women in world' online somewhere with rather purile splats of paint over them.

The colours were dropped down to contribute to the muted feel of the situation and the privacy of the interaction between the decorator and the world famous models who were being splatted with white gloss in a Pollock like perversity - which is what the images of the women are for I assume. I don't know if Lord Lichfield did take anything like this - I seem to remember that he did. God knows why... There was meant to be a large element of sarcasm in some of the images- the most important thing in the world to some people, the shape of a woman's body, the perfect geometry of her face, the fact that she can disguise everything about her real life as if she were some latter day Geisha.

There is something also meant to be a strong reflection of my life at this stage. I was generally psychotic, only able to do a few things including work, decorate and read pornography. The soft porn end of the market is far more offensive to me in some respects as there tends to be too strong a dominance of the 32-24-30 type of women - though this is something that varies from magazine to magazine. FHM seemed to be the worst perpetrator of the images of women who were all around the same size, although this may have changed more recently - I stopped buying the magazine for this reason - it must be for teenagers I guess.

Anyway, check out the last batchelor pad it's at least worth a look at.

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