
Sunday, 13 July 2008

Back in Brum

Well, I've got the things that I left at Morningside - despite having lost one or two of them along the way owning to a few drinks I had in the Rocket before leaving Coventry. It was good to see the place again and how picturesque the rather unappealing sights are. I like the city on the whole. Back in Birmingham now and ready to face what life deals me - I hope I can do a little about the types of problems that I couldn't do a great deal about before I left the UK. I just wish I could get to grips with this type of nonesense and get things closed up that have affected me over the last few years.

Tomorrow, I have all the joys of looking for work and trying to get somewhere to live. I just hope that I can find something reasonable work-wise that doesn't leave me with no reason to live and that I can find somewhere half decent to live within a month or so.... to be continued....

1 comment:

Questions About Faith, Etc. said...

Hi Steve,

Great blog. Keep on writing :)

Thanks for checking out my blog.